The first seed game was one of my favorite games on the iphone. I was excited when this game came out and the first thing I noticed was the dumbed down graphics. The general graphics and design arts are poor, everything was faded, made the game look like it came out 3 years ago. The character arts have changed but not
In a good way, master kanto looks like a homeless hobo and litta looks like a girl. The character model is different from the character art, overall the graphics is actually worse than the first, which is surprising and a big let down.
This version gives
You three classes of weapons instead of four. They took out the lance, which is fine cuz it was useless in the first game( actually, sword and gun are both useless too since staff is the most powerful with magic skills.) in the skills. Menu you will notice that you get only 5 skills per class instead of 6, which is ridiculous since we are already one class short, it mean that the developers should have focused alot more on the remaining three classes and the skills should be more not less than the previous game.
They did however, add the charge
Attack and
Dash attack, which, made the game
Play slightly more interesting. But then they failed at it by screwing up the sp gauge. Charge attack and dash attack both requires sp, which is fine, but the screw up is on how fast the sp depletes and how slow it regenerates. I know that you can increase your sp via wisdom stat and restore the guage with pots, but it just makes the whole thing less satisfying.
They also took out the weapon quickslot function, so you cant quickly change between classes, have to constantly go to the poorly designed menu and switch your weapon, which made the whole leveling of different classes frustrating and you will end up leveling just one class anyways.
I am only part way through so I am not sure if it gets better towards the end, but I fine the whole controlling of the game difficult and annoying. D pad control is stiff, menu control is horrible and the crystal menu button is poorly placed.
The game really isnt that bad, just compared to the first game, its not better. Which is sad cuz compared to other sequels of rpg games, Zenonia 2 and hybrid 2, both great and both alot better than the previous games, made seed 2 look alot worse in comparison.
Hurdle10 about SEED 2 - Vortex of War